Thursday, December 12, 2019

Tutorial Questions for Caribbean History free essay sample

How significant was the rebellion in Jamaica (Christmas Rebellion) in 1831-2 as a cause of the passing of the Emancipation Act in 1833? 2. How significant a part did slaves play in ending slavery? 3. How important a factor was the resistance of the enslaved in bringing about emancipation in the Caribbean? 4. â€Å"The Emancipation Act (1833) favoured the planters more than the slaves. † Identify and discuss the parts of the Act which support this comment. 5. How similar were the terms of the emancipation laws for the Caribbean colonies of different European countries? . Why did the West India interest eventually accept legislation for the emancipation of slaves? â€Å"The Act to emancipate slaves was more of a consequence than a cause of the economic decline of the sugar plantations in the WI. † Discuss. 8. The reason why slaves were emancipated was because plantation slavery had become unprofitable. Do you agree? 9. How important was humanitarian campaigning in bringing about slave emancipation in WI colonies? (You should illustrate your answer from 2 or more European countries. We will write a custom essay sample on Tutorial Questions for Caribbean History or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ) 10. Why was slavery abolished earlier in the British than in the Spanish colonized Caribbean? Why was the Spanish the last to emancipate their slaves? 12. Explain the factors which brought about the complete emancipation of slaves in Cuba from 1868 to 1886. 13. Explain why slave emancipation in the French colonies of Martinique and Guadeloupe finally came about in 1848. 14. Evaluate the factors which contributed to the emancipation of slaves in British and French Caribbean colonies. 15. Explain how emancipation was achieved in Haiti and other parts of the French Colonised Caribbean between 1794 and 1848. 16. Discuss the factors which account for the abolition of slavery in the Discuss the problems of recruiting and transporting immigrant labour to work on sugar estates after 1835? 2. Explain the problems of securing a suitable supply of labour for sugar plantations after emancipation. 3. Discuss the problems of introducing Indian indentured labour into the BWI and the attempts to solve them. 4. In what ways if any did the schemes of Indian indentured labour in WI colonies amount to a â€Å"new system of slavery? 5. In what ways and how effectively did colonial authorities protect the interests of immigrant labourers after emancipation? 6. Why was immigration labour so widely used in the Caribbean region between 1840 and 1900? 7. To what extent did immigrant labour help to maintain the Caribbean sugar industry after 1850? 8. How successful were immigration schemes in the British, French and Spanish territories. Sugar Duties Equalization Act 1. Why did the British government impose the SDA (1846) upon the BWI? With reference to 1 BWI colony examine the harmful effects of the act and the attempts to counter them.

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